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Single/Double Locking

The vehicle is single locked when the smart key lock switch was pressed once.

The vehicle is double locked when the smart key lock switch was pressed twice (within three seconds).

When single locked:

  • The exterior door handles will not open the doors.
  • The interior door handles will open the doors.
  • Interior sensing is disabled.
  • Tilt sensing is disabled.

When double locked:

  • The exterior door handles will not open the doors.
  • The interior door handles will not open the doors.
  • Interior sensing is enabled.
  • Tilt sensing is enabled.

Single locking should be used when animals are left in the car, when the vehicle is on a recovery vehicle or when the vehicle is on a ferry or train. Double locking should be used at all other times.

Double locking is also known as super locking or dead locking.

Smart key: Lock (1), headlights (2), panic alarm (3), unlock (4) and tailgate (5).


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